Do you manage your own Google Ads account?
If you run Google Ads for your private practice, you certainly know that this tool can be overwhelming:
There are tons of features and options
It's easy to overpay for the results
Some things happen, and you don't know why
You're not getting the results you were hoping for, etc.
The good news is that this can be fixed in nine out of 10 cases! We've audited dozens of Google Ads accounts and campaigns. And the vast majority of them had errors and poor "optimizations" that hindered the growth.
If your account is not working as it should be, it is likely there is something wrong with it. And this is where our role begins!

We will help you optimize your account

If you want to keep managing the Google Ads account yourself but you could still use some guidance on how to manage your campaigns, what to optimize, how and when, we're here to help.
Together, we will take a look at both your campaign and your website to:
Find the cause(s) of the results you're getting
Eliminate errors from your account
Optimize your account's settings and performance
Optimize your website to make it more user-friendly
All to help you make the most of the account, campaigns and ads that you're running!
With Google Ads, there are many moving parts... And it can be overwhelming!
Google Ads is by no means an intuitive and easy advertising system where everything is cut and dried. You must know how to navigate it so that it works to your advantage.
This includes:
Campaign and account settings
Bidding strategy
Keyword strategy
Website and landing page(s)
Conversion tracking
Ads, copywriting & additional assets.
All in all, a lot to think about! So let's work on your account together.

What can you expect from Google Ads consultations?
During Google Ads consultations, you can talk to us about your account and the results you're getting. We will discuss your account and its performance with you and guide you on what to do to improve the results you're getting.
During those consultations, we will:
Take a look at your account and your website together
Answer your questions about the campaign/account
Point you in the right direction to eliminate errors from your campaign and increase its performance
You are free to book as many consultations as you want. We recommend booking at least one consultation every two months of the campaign. This way, you can always stay on track and keep making the most of it!
Specifics you want to know
Here's everything you need to know. All conditions are per consultation. You are free to book more than one consultation, but our recommendation is to start with just one.
$300 CAD